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Photographer Resources

  • February 9, 2014

    Raw vs. JPEG

    It's not uncommon for a camera shopper to ask what "raw" stands for. It's easy to assume it's an acronym, especially with all the others in the world of digital photography: HDR, CMOS, AVCHD, APS-C... the list goes on. I think it would be neat if "raw" stood for Really Awesome Way of photographing things but, in truth, it is simply a word. As in, raw eggs. A raw file is simply one that has not been processed into a specific image format, such as JPEG. (Oddly, very few people ever ask what JPEG stands for.) Raw offers photographers a level of control over their images that compressed file types do not, but there are times when shooting in JPEG, or raw + JPEG, may be beneficial.


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  • February 28, 2013

    What is Resolution?

    Resolution is a term that is tossed around rather loosely in the camera world. Most often, it is thought of as synonymous with “megapixels,” and camera companies are generally fine with you believing this. 
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