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Catch the Color Tulip Photo Contest 2024 | Details & Information

Catch the Color Tulip Photo Contest

When the tulips bloom at Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm, Oregon photographers know that it's officially Spring time!
You're invited to enter our annual Catch the Color Tulip Photo Contest by uploading your best photos taken at the 2024 Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival.


Show us interesting, unique and beautiful pictures of flowers at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm. They can be shot using macro lenses and modes, or consider a zoom, wide-angle or creative lenses. Don't limit yourself, and get creative!

Getting in close is the trick for this category. We welcome pictures of small details that tell a larger story. Don't restrict yourself to just flower shots, think abstract; a water drop, insects, leaves, ice crystals, etc. Anything goes as long as it is in a tight composition. Remember that a macro image of a flower might also go into the Flower category.

These pictures include landscapes, sunsets, field shots of the tulips and may also include hot air balloons or other major landmarks in the fields.

This category is for the pictures that may not fit with the other three categories. But remember: it must be taken at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm and may include landmarks such as the tractors, windmills, wooden shoes, or pictures with people and animals, etc.



Grand Prize

- Wins a $150 Pro Photo Supply gift card.

- High-quality print from the Pro Photo Supply Lab.

- Season Pass to 2024 Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival.


1st Place Prize per Category

- Wins a $75 Pro Photo Supply gift card.

- High-quality print from the Pro Photo Supply Lab.

- Season Pass to 2024 Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival.


Honorable Mention per Category

- High-quality print from the Pro Photo Supply Lab.

  • All entries must be digital uploads only.

  • Photos must be submitted in JPG format.

  • Each file submission size should be no larger than 5MB in size.

  • You may submit up to four (4) digital images total.

  • All entries must be submitted by Saturday, May 18th, 2024.

  • Photos must be the original work of the entrant.

  • Employees or contractors of Pro Photo Supply and those living in the same household are not eligible.

  • All finalist photographers will be notified and required to resubmit their winning image(s) in a 300 dpi JPEG format no smaller than 8” inches in the shortest dimension or (2400 x 2400 pixels).

  • If submission requirements are not followed, the application and images may not be judged.

  • Photographers retain ownership of all copyrights. However, entrants who are chosen as the Grand Prize, 1st Place winner of a Category or Honorable Mention of a Category prizes in this contest, automatically give Pro Photo Supply and Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm a non-exclusive, irrevocable license without charge to reproduce and display the image in any electronic, optical, physical, or other medium; to modify its size and resolution; and to use your name as the photographer, without notification or compensation.
  • Photographers of non-winning photographs may be contacted, either by Pro Photo Supply or Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm, after the close of the contest to attain permission to use their photograph and name as the photographer.
  • No one photographer may have more than one winning entry. One (1) Grand Prize, four (4) winning entries, and four (4) honorable mention entries for the 2024 Catch the Color Tulip Photo Contest will be selected.
  • All Finalists will be notified by email at least 72 hrs before the public announcement, and may be required to resubmit their winning image in high resolution. See the requirements above.
  • All winning entries will be announced on Pro Photo Supply's Instagram page, Facebook page and other social platforms.
  • Prizes will be awarded sometime toward the end of June 2023.
  • The contest is open to all photographers both professional and non-professional.

2023 Catch the Color Tulip Photo Contest Winners

Maho Miura

Grand Prize


Joel Conroy

Catch All Category



Briana Easter

Catch All Category

Honorable Mention

Andrew Sambuceto

Landscape and Field Category


Dotty Weber

Landscape and Field Category

Honorable Mention

Jonathan Mok

Flowers Category


Bob Bush

Flowers Category

Honorable Mention

Genevieve Ma

Details and Macro Category


Heather Nelson

Details and Macro

Honorable Mention

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