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Store Gallery for May 2024: BIPOC Portland Photographers

Store Gallery for May 2024: BIPOC Portland Photographers


It’s not easy to break through in a medium that is dominated by artists that don’t look like us. But we’re here, backed by generations of blood-soaked resiliency, seeing and creating and documenting. It’s a call we’ve been picking up forever. We’ve been here. We’re still here.

I’m extremely proud to highlight this collection of work by six dope BIPOC photographers in Portland that I think you should know.

Thank you to Meaghan, Michel, Trevor, Paisley, and Destinee for your time and your incredible work.

Their creativity inspires me deeply, and I hope you feel the same.

-Danica Thomas, Gallery Curator 


Stop by the Store Gallery this May to see these images up close and in high quality. 

Photo by Paisley Lee @paisley.jpeg

Photo by Michel Paspur @michel.paspur

Photo by Danica Thomas @analogdanica

Photo by Meaghan Sutton @meaghanonfilm

Photo by Trevor Wilson @_stillframes

Photo by Destinee Davis @portlxndiia


Photo by Danica Thomas @analogdanica

Photo by Michel Paspur @michel.paspur

Photo by Meaghan Sutton @meaghanonfilm

Photo by Paisley Lee @paisley.jpeg

Photo by Trevor Wilson @_stillframes


Photo by Destinee Davis @portlxndiia


Photo by Danica Thomas @analogdanica


Photo by Meaghan Sutton @meaghanonfilm

Photo by Michel Paspur @michel.paspur

Photo by Trevor Wilson @_stillframes

Photo by Destinee Davis @portlxndiia

Photo by Paisley Lee @paisley.jpeg


Photo by Trevor Wilson @_stillframes

Photo by Meaghan Sutton @meaghanonfilm

Photo by Danica Thomas @analogdanica

Photo by Destinee Davis @portlxndiia

Photo by Paisley Lee @paisley.jpeg

Photo by Trevor Wilson @_stillframes

Photo by Michel Paspur @michel.paspur




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