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Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Photo Contest | 2020 Contest Details & Eligibility

  • Contest Information
  • Submission Requirements
  • Eligibility & Terms

Submit your favorite nature images taken within the boundaries of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge to the 14th Annual 2020 photography competition!



  • BIRDS – Birds and water fowl in their natural habitat.
  • WILDLIFE – Any wildlife other than birds - mammals, amphibians, fish, insects, reptiles, and invertebrates in their natural habitat.
  • PLANT LIFE – Trees, grasses, flowers, fungi, mushrooms, and other flora in their natural habitat.
  • LANDSCAPE & STRUCTURES – The refuge contains a mosaic of scenic views, including iconic structures such as the Cathlapotle Plankhouse.


1st Place in each category: $150 Pro Photo Supply Gift Card

1st Place: $75 Gift Card
2nd Place: $50 Gift Card
3rd Place: $25 Gift Card
Gift Cards from Pro Photo Supply


  • All image file entries must be digital uploads only.
  • Image files must be submitted in JPG format.
  • Each file may not exceed 5MB in size and should be approximately 1500 x 2100 in jpg format only.
  • Adult Contest is open to photographers both Professional and Amateur aged 18 or older.
  • Youth Contest is open to photographers aged 10-18 and in grades 5-12 generally.
  • Each contestant may submit up to six (6) digital images total.
  • Image files must be submitted in JPG format by September 8, 2020 to
  • No watermarks of any kind can be placed on the photo submissions.
  • Photos must have been taken within areas of the Refuge that are open to the public during public accessible hours.
  • Any refuge scene whether wildlife, plants, or scenic landscape are eligible.
  • Color and/or black & white images are allowed.
  • Elements or objects not in original scene should not be added.
  • Limited image modifications are allowed.
  • Watermarks, signatures, or copyright notices MUST be removed prior to submission.
  • If submission rules are not followed, the application and images may not be judged and/or disqualified.
  • The entrant must provide upon request all appropriate clearances, or proof of image ownership.
  • The contest coordinator and sponsors assume no responsibility or liability for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to, or alteration of Submission.

If a photograph to enter the Photo Contest is submitted, the entrant grants a royalty-free, non-exclusive right to:

  • Display the photograph on ‘our’ sites, and ‘our partners’ sites.
  • Allow third-parties to share the photograph on social media.
  • Use the photograph on the Internet and in Social Media in support of our mission.
  • Provide your photograph to other individuals and organizations for use in news stories, newsletters, reports, slide shows, displays, web pages, videos, and the like, related to our exhibit and connected projects.
  • Use, in connection with the Photo Exhibit, your name, city, state and country of residence in promotions and other publications.
  • Retain a digital copy of your photograph that will be archived in the photo library and accessible to staff via online.

Use of Personal Information

  • Personal information provided by entrants may be used as required to:
    • notify winners of the results
    • provide entrants with information about the contest
    • correspond with entrants about their submissions
    • announce the winning entries
    • generate general contest statistics
    • send out questionnaires about the contest

Submission Deadline: September 8, 2020

Previous article Summer Film Photo Contest | 2020 Contest Details & Eligibility